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Optimize Your Instagram Bio: Convert it into a Follower Magnet

Your Instagram bio is often the first thing users see when they visit your profile. It is what they look at before deciding to hit that follow button. Optimizing it effectively can turn your Instagram bio into a powerful tool for attracting your ideal client and gaining more followers. Creating the right Instagram bio not only helps growth, but the kind of growth you want most – your ideal audience! In this blog, I’ll walk you through the steps to optimize your Instagram bio and transform it into an ideal client magnet.

Make Sure Your Instagram Bio Name Has Keywords

I’m talking about the name field here – this is separate from your username. The name field can be updated in your profile section. This field is keyword searchable on Instagram so don’t waste it! Make sure you use words in the name field that your ideal client will be searching for on Instagram. For example, I help business owners with their social media so those words are in my name field – “Lori | Social Media Strategist & Coach”

Don’t be afraid to change up those keywords either. If you have a special promotion this month and want those keywords to work with your promotion then use them. Just make sure it still makes sense with the bio you have (this can be changed monthly too if needed). Use these keywords to draw your ideal audience in for the content you are currently creating.

Optimize Your Instagram Bio:

Crafting a Compelling Instagram Bio:

Your bio is an essential component of your brand identity on Instagram. It communicates who you are, what you do, and what sets you apart from others in your industry. By conveying your brand values, personality, and unique selling points, you can attract followers who resonate with your brand and are more likely to engage and eventually buy from you.

Your bio should clearly communicate the value you offer to your ideal client.  Make your bio is about them, not you (you can save that for stories). Yes, I know that may sound weird but even though it’s your profile, it’s not all about you here if you want your ideal client to hit that follow button. People want to know what’s in it for them so tell them! 

You shouldn’t have personal information here (# kids, pets, etc) unless it directly relates to your business.  These 150 characters need to be jam-packed with information that will make your ideal client say, “I need to see more” so they hit follow. 

The best way to attract your ideal client is to talk about the transformation your product/service takes them on. In other words, how you or your product takes them from Point A (where they are now) to Point B (where they want to be). For an example, we’ll use mine again:

Simplifying social media so business owners can get more results while spending less time creating content.

The first part tells them exactly what I do for them, Point B and the last part calls out their pain points and where they are now, Point A. If you relate to this then you are probably my ideal client and will hit follow. If it doesn’t, that’s ok too because you aren’t my ideal client. If you don’t hit follow that’s fine because you’d probably never want to buy from me anyway. Make sense?

Lastly, try to summarize this transformation in 125 characters or less so you leave some room to make an offer for your link – we’ll get to that next. And don’t forget keywords are important here too!

Your Instagram Link

Hook Them With Your Instagram Link

So many business owners pop in their website here and call it a day. Please don’t do that! Use that bio link to give your ideal client a way to take action. What should that action be? Think about the transformation from Point A to Point B that you talked about in your bio, what do they need to take action towards that goal? Create a free offer around what they need. A guide… a checklist… a free 15 minute call. What can you offer that will move them one step closer to being ready to say yes to your service/product?

This freebie, guide, checklist, call would be your lead magnet. You can set up a way through your email system that collects their email address and then delivers this lead magnet. Now you have them on your email list. So much better than sending them to your website to wander around. 

Once you have your Instagram link connected to your lead magnet we’ll go back to the last section where you left 25 characters in your bio for the offer. Make a call to action in the last part of your bio telling them what they will get if they click that link. Make them want to click it. Make it juicy!

My CTA is: Click here to simplify your socials👇🏻 – then it goes to my Stan Store:  Stan Stores are a great option if you have a few freebies or some offers you want to include. If you only have 1 link, you can just include that directly. My ideal client is looking to save time and simplify their social media game so this will be compelling to them.

Instagram profile photo

Your Instagram Bio Profile Photo

This should be a current picture of you. Unless you’re as big as Starbucks, a logo doesn’t cut it here. People buy from people on Instagram and they want to see the person behind the brand. Building that know, like, trust factor is huge for making online sales and having your face front and center is key to earning it. Find a picture you like and use it here. It will make a difference.  

Your Instagram Highlights

Technically these aren’t part of your bio but they are important. They literally should be a highlights reel of your content. Think of the top 3-4 things you want to communicate to a potential client. What will make them want to know more? Those should be your highlight topics. As you make story content around those topics, drop them in the highlights. Don’t put everything in your highlights, just the best of the best. Highlights can tell a story that makes that ideal client want to hit follow. 

By following the steps outlined here, you can optimize your Instagram bio to attract your ideal clients and gain more followers. Remember to tailor your bio to your ideal client, craft compelling highlights, and have a clear photo of you. With a well-optimized bio, you can turn your Instagram profile into a powerful follower magnet for your ideal client!

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Grab my free Content Creation Map  …. It’s FIRE!

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